Sponsor our meeting!

Why sponsor the Rajka symposium in Doha?

  • Access to Global Key Opinion Leaders and rising stars with a focus on Atopic Dermatitis,
  • Get insights on various aspects of Atopic Dermatitis, from epidemiology to the latest treatment updates.
  • Unique opportunity to present your latest data in a plenary session (Platinum Sponsors)
  • Develop your brand awareness in the field and increase the visibility of your company in the field of Atopic Dermatitis
    • Direct exposure of your products and services to local and international dermatologists
    • Expand your business network in-person and via virtual networking platform
    • Display and distribute your marketing promotional materials
  • Meeting with patient and advocacy groups
    • Learn more about unmet patient needs, access to care, and patient education and improvement.
    • Participate in advocacy for atopic dermatitis with NGOs and health authorities, as well as ISAD’s efforts in this area.

The Sponsorship Packages:

Exhibit booth (onsite) (m)8 × 45 × 34 × 33 × 2
Exhibit booth (online)2111
Promotional sign at the entrance of the Exhibit Hall areayes
Logo on name badgeyes
Promotional eblast (one pre-conference distribution)yesyes
15 minutes slot in Plenary session“What’s new from”yes
Promotional video in main session room prior to session45 sec. (max)45 sec. (max)static advertlogo ack.
Video pre-roll video on virtual platform45 sec. (max)45 sec. (max)static advertlogo ack.
Advertisement in Program Book2 full pages1 page1/4 page
Logo acknowledgement by sponsor level
in the Program Book and in the lobby of
the virtual platform
Complimentary registration – in person5431
Complimentary registration – Virtual10753
Exhibit/Company profile and link on website, virtual platform and final Programyesyesyesyes
Gamification* – offered virtually and in-personyesyesyesyes
Dermatologist delegates list, sent pre conferenceyesyesyesyes
*to be confirmed as of 2024-06-14

More options needed?!

Become a Corporate Member at the Global scope:

Through 4 levels (standard / classic / premium / infinite), benefit:

  • from a reduction on the cost of the selected package
    (up to -25% based on a 3-years contract)
  • from extensions: get more seats, more space, more time for presentation…

    ➜ More information and contact


Download the prospectus!

Write an email to sponsorship@isad.org and start sponsoring the Rajka symposium.