Research Fellowships

The ISAD Research Fellowships were originally funded by a generous grant of Pfizer with the aim of supporting research training of junior Dermatologists‐Venereologists, or residents in Dermatology‐Venereology in a high standard academic center.

From 2024, they will be examined on a case-by-case basis by the ISAD Board without annual call as previously.

Following the One Health symposium, we also welcome applications from the derm veterinary community, and projects related to the One Health concept are welcome.

Purpose of the Fellowship

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide support for young dermatologists to receive training on basic or clinical research in Dermatology‐Venereology in a high standard clinical or research center other than their own training institution.

Eligibility criteria

  • The fellow is a certified Dermatologist‐Venereologist or a resident in Dermatology‐Venereology
  • Under the age of 40 on the day of application
  • An established agreement between the candidate fellow and a research or clinical center (Host Institution) that offers research opportunities for the particular research subject and has formally accepted the candidate for a fellowship
  • A detailed project submitted by the candidate

Level of Support

The Research Fellowship recipient will be supported by a sum of:

  • 20 000 Euros for the 6 months fellowships
  • 10 000 Euros for the 3 months fellowship.

The grant shall cover travel and living expenses and insurance during the training period. For longer periods, co-financing is possible and encouraged. 3 months fellowships are primarily intended to start a collaboration between two departments, as a starting research grant. 6 months fellowships may provide support to an ongoing project of the host institution and allow the fellow to be included in a publication.


Submit your application by email to the secretary general of ISAD, Prof. Andreas WOLLENBERG at (we acknowledge reception, if not, contact

It consists of three parts:

  • Applicant’s profile including a CV in English
    + original publications with position in authorship and a personal statement concerning the candidacy.
  • Project description (to be filled in by the applicant)
    A detailed description of the research project that will be conducted by the candidate will be evaluated by the ISAD board. The project may relate to basic science, clinical, or translational research related to AD. The content of the project will be planned in sufficient detail by the fellow and his/her Research Supervisor at the Host Institution prior to its submission to ISAD.
  • Statement from the host institution (to be filled in by the host institution)

Selection of the host institution

Any academic / university hospital, clinical center, or research institution of good standing in any part of the world with a traceable clinical or lab research program dedicated to AD can apply to host ISAD research fellowships. Candidates must obtain a signed approval of the host Institution before the application is submitted to ISAD. The ISAD board can help candidates to find a host institution, please contact In case of overhead costs for travel or visa, supplemental funding can be asked directly to ISAD with justification.

Rules and Conditions

The Research Fellowship is intended to be awarded for full time training in research. Any involvement in clinical activities should be directly related to the research project. The Head of the Host Institution must be willing to receive the candidate and provide the necessary facilities. Fellowship recipients will be subject to the normal conditions of service of the Host Institution so far as sick leave is concerned, but the ISAD should be notified if a Fellow recipient is likely to be away due to illness for more than a month. Any substantial changes in the research project or change of Research Supervisor will require the ISAD´s notification and approval.

Progress / Final Report and Publications

Fellowship recipients are required to submit (in English) a report at the end of the research period on the undertaken work. The report must be sent to the ISAD within one month of completing the research period signed by both the fellow and the research supervisor. If possible, the results of the research work should be published in a peer‐review Journal. The fellow is expected to acknowledge the support given by the ISAD in any publication related to the research work conducted during the granted research period.

Recipients: check their projects!