Rajka 2025 Melbourne motto:
History, Memory, and Retelling

Keynote and Invited speakers

  • Valeria AOKI, Brazil
  • Sébastien BARBAROT, France
  • Thomas BIEBER, Switzerland
  • Eung Ho CHOI, South Korea
  • Sandipan DHAR, India
  • Carsten FLOHR, UK
  • Cindy MA, Australia
  • Marlys FASSET, USA
  • Amir LATIFF, Malaysia
  • Ji Hyun LEE, South Korea
  • Adrian LOWE, Australia
  • Wei LI, China
  • Laura MacKAY, Australia
  • Laurent MISERY, France
  • Erere OTROFANOWEI, Nigeria
  • Amy S. PALLER, USA
  • Murlidhar RAJAGOPALAN, India
  • Johannes RING, Germany
  • Robert SIDBURY, USA
  • Sonja STÄNDER, Germany
  • Alain TAÏEB, France
  • Kim THOMAS, UK
  • Fang WANG, China
  • Hywell WILLIAMS, UK
  • Andreas WOLLENBERG, Germany
  • Xu YAO, China


Please note all timings are based on Melbourne time zone.
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEDT) – UTC+11

Friday, October 24th, 2025 — PaCeCAD

09:00 Introduction
Chair: Jean-François STALDER, France / John SU, Australia (Melbourne)
Atopic Dermatitis, Global Health Perspectives Worldwide – Australia compared to the Rest of the World

Jean-François STALDER, France

09:10 P1. Atopic Dermatitis, Global Health Perspectives Worldwide – Australia compared to the Rest of the World
Chair: Amanda CRESSWELL-MELVILLE, Canada / John SU, Australia (Melbourne)
Atopic Dermatitis, Global Health Perspectives Worldwide – Australia compared to the Rest of the World

John SU, Australia

Australasian Eczema patient advocacy group: role and place in the Australian patient journey

Melanie FUNK, Australia

09:35 P2. Atopic Dermatitis and Patient Care Approach in Asia Pacific
Chair: Chia-Yu CHU, Taiwan / Jennifer AUSTIN, USA
Title to be confirmed

Kin Fon LEONG, Malaysia

Title to be confirmed

Yong Kwang TAY, Singapore

Title to be confirmed

Kanokvalai KULTHANAN, Thailand

Title to be confirmed

Masaki FUTAMURA, Japan

Title to be confirmed

Ellis HON, Hong-Kong

10:00 RT
Round Table: Participants from other regions of the world
Given the particularities of each country, what is the common ground that would allow us to joint our efforts towards the same goal? Perhaps better acces to the right medicines? What are the 3 main stakes in terms of needs, tools and care?

Rachel OGOLA, Kenya + Fahafahantsoa RABENJA RAPELANORO, Madagascar + Raquel ORFALI, Brazil + Kiran GODSE, India + Maya EL HACHEM, Italy

10:30 Refreshment Break 20 min.
10:50 P3. Misinformation in Atopic Dermatitis and Digital Tools to address it
Chair: Cathal O’CONNOR, Ireland / Alpana MOHTA, India
What should we expect from Large Language Model Chat bots in therapeutic education: uses, expected benefits, risks?


Can a device dedicated to patients bring the patient and their caregivers closer together? Examples of Eczemawise and Eczemacare+

Peter LIO, USA

Investigating TSW videos on TikTok cross sectional study

Dana SAADE, Lebanon

Tackling misinformation in social media: the example of Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal (TSW)

Mikael ALSTERHOLM, Sweden

Title to be confirmed

Hanof AHMED, Qatar

Title to be confirmed


11:50 RT
Round Table: New communication tools in therapeutic education
Challenges, contributions, and limitations (Results of a survey on the role of AI in the management of AD)

All speakers + Kristin BELLENSON (NIA), USA + Kelly BARTA (ITSAN), USA


Jean-François STALDER, including closing remarks by ISAD President Alain TAÏEB

12:15 Lunch break (not included) 45 min.

Friday, October 24th, 2025 — Symposium

13:00 Welcome addresses
Welcome to Melbourne

John SU, Australia

ISAD President address

Alain TAÏEB, France

Introduction into History of ISAD and Rajka meetings

Johannes RING, Germany

Centenial of the Birth of Georg RAJKA

Suzanne RAJKA, Norway

13:25 S1. Innate and adaptive Immunity*
Chairs: Magdalena TRZECIAK, Poland / Anne HALBERT, Australia (Perth)
13:25 KL1
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Cindy MA, Australia (Sydney)

13:45 IL1
Title to be confirmed

Fang WANG, China

14:05 OL1
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
14:20 S2. Regulation of T cell immunity
Chairs: --- / Jason FOK, Australia
14:20 KL2
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

To be confirmed

14:50 IL2
Title to be confirmed

Laura MacKAY, Australia (Melbourne)

15:20 OL2
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
15:35 PS1 Poster presentations session 130 min. Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits
16:05 S3. Systemic immunity and immune crosstalk
Chairs: Dirk Jan HIJNEN, The Netherlands / John SU, Australia
16:05 KL3
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed


16:35 IL3
Title to be confirmed

Wei LI, China

17:05 OL3
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
17:20 OL4
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
17:35 S4. Skin barrier
Chairs: Kyu-Han KIM, South Korea / Linda MARTIN, Australia
17:35 KL4
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Eung Ho CHOI, South Korea

18:05 OL5
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
18:20 OL6
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
18:35 Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits & Posters 55 min.
19:30 WELCOME RECEPTION & GEORG RAJKA CENTENNIAL JUBILEE Carlton Gardens, Melbourne Gallery in the Melbourne Museum (20 minutes walk from the hotel, 1.4km) 3h00

Saturday, October 25th, 2025 — Symposium

08:30 S5. Historical and new perspectives on atopic dermatitis*
Chairs: Lin MA, China / Dedee MURREL, Australia (Sydney)
08:30 KL5
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Johannes RING, Germany

09:00 IL4
Title to be confirmed


09:30 IL5
Title to be confirmed

Thomas BIEBER, Switzerland

10:00 OL7
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
10:15 OL8
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
10:30 PS2 Poster presentations session 230 min. Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits
11:00 S6. Epidemiology and outcome research
Chairs: Peter SCHMID-GRENDELMEIER, Switzerland / Shyamali DHARMAGE, Australia
11:00 KL6
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Carsten FLOHR, UK

11:20 IL6
Title to be confirmed

Adrian LOWE, Australia

11:40 IL7
Title to be confirmed


12:00 OL9
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
12:15 OL10
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
12:30 Lunch break 1h00
13:30 S7. Itch*
Chairs: Martin STEINHOFF, Qatar / Ernest TAN, Australia (Perth)
13:30 KL7
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Sonja STÄNDER, Germany

14:00 IL8
Title to be confirmed

Laurent MISERY, France

14:30 OL11
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
14:45 OL12
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
15:00 PS3 Poster presentations session 330 min. Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits
15:30 S8. What’s new from the industry
Chairs: Chia Yu CHU, Taiwan / George A. VARIGOS, Australia
15:30 SL1
Title to be confirmed

Presentation from Corporate Member Platinum sponsor

15:50 SL2
Title to be confirmed

Presentation from Platinum sponsor

16:05 SL3
Title to be confirmed

Presentation from Corporate Member Diamond sponsor

16:20 SL4
Title to be confirmed

Presentation from Diamond sponsor

16:30 Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits & Posters 2h00
18:30 Local Organizing Committee Cultural invitation President’s dinner at Arts Centre Melbourne 3h00

Sunday, October 26th, 2025 — Symposium

08:30 S9. Microbiome and atopic dermatitis
Chairs: Ousmane FAYE, Mali / Pablo FERNANDEZ-PENÃS, Australia (Perth)
08:30 KL8
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

To be confirmed

09:00 IL9
Title to be confirmed

Xu YAO, China

09:30 OL13
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
09:45 OL14
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
10:00 PS4 Poster presentations session 430 min. Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits
10:30 S10. Systemic and new therapies for atopic dermatitis
Chairs: Yong Kwang TAY, Singapore / Li-Chuen WONG, Australia (Sydney)
10:30 KL9
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed


11:00 OL15
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
11:15 OL16
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
11:30 OL17
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
11:45 OL18
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
12:00 Lunch break 1h00
13:00 S11. Complications and comorbidities of atopic dermatitis
Chairs: Roberto TAKAOKA, Brazil / John SU, Australia (Melbourne)
13:00 KL10
Keynote lecture: Infectious complications and comorb. of AD

Andreas WOLLENBERG, Germany

13:30 IL10
Title to be confirmed

Ji-Hyun LEE, South Korea

13:45 IL11
Title to be confirmed

Amir LATIFF, Malaysia

14:00 IL12
Title to be confirmed

Murlidhar RAJAGOPALAN, India

14:15 OL19
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
14:30 S12. Extremes of age
Chairs: Ellis HON, Hong Kong / Anousha YAZDABADI, Australia (Melbourne)
14:30 KL11
Keynote lecture: Title to be confirmed

Sébastien BARBAROT, France

15:00 IL13
Title to be confirmed

Sandipan DHAR, India

15:15 OL20
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
15:30 OL21
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
15:45 PS5 Poster presentations session 530 min. Refreshment Break & Visit Exhibits
16:15 S13. Atopic dermatitis in diverse skin types
Chairs: Kin Fon LEONG, Malaysia / Lena LY, Australia
16:15 KL12
Keynote lecture: Infectious complications and comorb. of AD

Valeria AOKI, Brazil

16:45 IL14
Title to be confirmed

Erere OTROFANOWEI, Nigeria

17:00 OL22
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
17:15 OL23
15 min. short communication, selected in the call for abstract submissions
17:30 Closing ceremony 20 min.
Best poster/presentation awards, local best posters

John SU, Australia

Next Rajka Symposium: Beijing, China

Lin MA, China

Closing remarks

Alain TAÏEB, France