Guidelines for submitting your abstract to the call

We are inviting abstract submissions for the Georg RAJKA symposium of ISAD Society.

Abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations will represent the core of the scientific program at this meeting. Abstracts pertaining to human atopic dermatitis and related fields including animal models are appropriate.

Important dates

Submission, registration and travel grant application:
Check periods and deadlines on “Important dates”

Abstract submission process

Abstracts will be accepted via our online submission system only (email submissions will not be accepted):

One (submitter) can submit one or many abstracts on our platform with its personal account.

  • Submissions by Agents: Agents are permitted to submit abstracts, provided the author creates an account for subsequent communication after the adjudication process. The agent will serve as the primary contact and must ensure constant availability for any requests.
  • The submitter warrants having the full power, authority and capacity to submit the abstract and agree to these terms and conditions.

An acknowledgement of receipt by email of each submission will be sent automatically to the submitter’s mailbox upon completion of the online submission, and to the presenting/corresponding author(s).

  • Submitters may modify their submission(s) until the deadline: late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
  • The official language is English only.

Statement of Responsibility for Authors

Read carefully all the agreements to accept at the end of the submission form (condition of acceptance, publication authorization, statement of responsibility).

  • All authors agree to comply with the abstract submission and presentation rules.
  • The author(s) confirm that the presentation is based on scientific and/or clinical methods that are ethical and valid ; all co-authors must agree with the submitted results and conclusions, and consent to being listed as authors.

Encore presentations

  • The abstract must not have been submitted in identical format to any international meeting prior to the Rajka Symposium: Encore presentations are not accepted. Still, it is possible to submit one with updated study/data and a detailed justification addressed to the reviewers (tick the appropriate checkbox).
  • If a submitted abstract becomes en Encore between the date of submission and the day of the presentation, the abstract will be demoted to slideshow without presentation.

Abstract format

Abstract submissions will be reviewed for presentations (in-person on location only, no remote presentation) in one of three formats:

  1. oral presentation in scientific sessions
  2. oral presentation in poster sessions
    5 minutes during the breaks, on one of the screens of the poster boothes
  3. slideshow with no oral presentation
    available only on displays and online for attendees

Every effort will be made to accommodate requests based on considerations regarding space availability and conference program themes: by default and if not refused, all abstracts are subjects to be accepted at least as posters with no oral presentation.

If an abstract is not selected for an oral presentation, it is possible to indicate in the online submission form if one will consider an oral poster presentation in the event (a few selected posters will be scheduled for short oral poster presentations during the breaks).

Abstract topics

All abstracts submitted must address one of the conference topics for inclusion in the program. The list of available topics when submitting an abstract is:

  • Historical and new perspectives on atopic dermatitis
  • Environment and atopic dermatitis
  • Itch
  • Microbiome and atopic dermatitis
  • Systemic therapy for atopic dermatitis
  • Comorbidities of atopic dermatitis
  • Extremes of age
  • Atopic dermatitis in diverse skin types
  • Other

Each abstract content must be described accurately with 2 or 3 keywords from the provided list in the form.

All selected abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and substitutions will not be permitted. They must be proofread very carefully before submitting.

Abstract writing guide


  • Use a concise descriptive title that indicates the content of the abstract.
  • Please minimize the use of abbreviations in the title.
  • Commercial trade names for drugs, devices, products and services may NOT be used in the title.


Information for each author (no limit about the number of authors) must be provided as requested in the form: department, institution, city, and country. Do not include degrees or titles.

Important: Accurate author information is crucial. Abstracts with incorrectly entered author details will be disqualified.


The submitter is the only corresponding contact (notifications are sent to the email of the account).
Presenting author has to be indicated in the proper section of the online form.

Abstract body

  • Limit your abstracts to no more than 1600 characters (count does not include spaces).
  • Do not include tables/charts, graphics or images in your abstract.
  • Drugs, devices, products, and services should be identified by generic name only within the abstract. Refer to generic names rather than brand names.
  • Only common and standard abbreviations may be used without definition.

The body of the abstract should be formatted with the following five sections:

  1. Introduction / Background – mandatory
  2. Objective – optional for clinical case
  3. Method – optional for clinical case
  4. Results – optional for clinical case
  5. Conclusions – mandatory

Late-breaking abstracts

Submissions for Late-Breaking Abstracts is open at the indicated date (check Call for late-breaking abstract period):

  • The related deadline is not an extension of the abstract submission deadline.
  • A late-breaking abstract should contain new information that was not yet known or fully available by the abstract submission deadline of the regular call for abstracts. The data in the abstract must not be published prior to the meeting.

Abstract adjudication

A “blind” selection process will be used: abstracts will be peer-reviewed and ranked by ISAD Scientific Committee members.

Notice of abstract adjudication will be provided (check Call for abstract acceptance notification date) and all correspondences will be addressed to the submitting contact by email only, unless otherwise requested.

Deadline for registration of presenting authors

Presenting authors not registered on time (check Registration deadline for presenting author) will forfeit both their invitation to present and have their abstract included in the conference platform. Changing presenters to another author is allowed prior to this date but a non-author can not present on behalf of the authors.

Request for change of presenting author must be made in writing to


Oral presentations

Oral presentations in main scientific or poster sessions will take place on location, in real time during scheduled sessions (check the Program here). Remote presentations are not allowed.

Slideshows with no oral presentation (on screens only):

As every presentation, all posters will be available online via the virtual conference platform.

Check the instructions to prepare and send your presentation

Cancellation of presentation

To prevent empty presentation viewing, please inform us by e-mail (cf. contact presentation below), if you are unable to present.



All copyrights remain to the author(s).

Publication agreement

Authors of accepted abstracts grant ISAD, its agents and representatives the right to use their names and abstracts in promotional and other materials published in relation to the annual conference. The abstracts will be published online in Acta Dermato-Venereological medical journal.


Submitted abstracts are considered confidential by ISAD Society until publicly presented and/or published in connection with the symposium. Prior to such presentation or publishing, the author(s), research sponsors, or proprietors of the copyright in the abstract(s) may not make the information public or use the information for trading purposes without obtaining prior written permission from ISAD Society.

Privacy policy

Submitters agree that ISAD Society will process their personal data, including storing or transferring such data outside of their country of residence, in order to process transactions related to the publishing and/or presentation of their abstract. Submitters also confirm that same permission has been obtained from all other contributors/authors in accordance with these terms and conditions.


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