Meeting with National Dermatology Society of Mauritania

May 11, 2024, Nouakchott, Mauritania

ISAD Society President Alain TAÏEB visited Mauritania and met the members of the National Dermatology Society (SMD, President Prof BALL second rank right) on the occasion of very interesting meeting organized on May 11th jointly by the SMD and the Ministry of Health. Mariem KEBE (yellow, middle of second rank), a young University professor of Dermatology at Nouakchott University is in charge of launching within the Mauritanian Ministry of Health a National Program dedicated to skin diseases (PNPCD).

The two main topics discussed by invited and local speakers within the new PNPCD were access to care and medications for atopic dermatitis and volunteer skin lightening procedures on black skin, which are key public health priorities as in several Sub-Saharan African countries.

The meeting was opened by the representative of WHO in Nouakchott, Prof Charlotte Faty NDIAYE, and attended by representatives of patients, NGOs, and other public health stakeholders.