Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
Our Society recently received a letter from Dr Shakirat GOLD-OLUFADI, Consultant Physician and Dermatologist at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, one of our laureates of the 2021 Sub Saharan Africa Grants, who had difficulties recruiting for her project titled “The impact of education in indigenous languages on atopic dermatitis and factors determining severity of atopic dermatitis (AD) in Nigerian children”.
She had difficulties because of the third local wave of COVID which markedly affected clinic attendance. She requested a six-month extension of the study period to implement a community-based recruitment from primary and high schools to make headway. Our Society approved of course this change, and we hope to have the project discussed at least at the ISAD fellows’ session next October in Montréal.
ISAD 2022 Rajka Symposium

I remind you that the registration to the 12th Rajka symposium organized by Danielle MARCOUX and Michèle RAMIEN at the Centre Sheraton Montréal is open online. It is time to renew your membership online, and benefit from reduced registration fees at the next meeting. The abstract submission platform will open on february 21st.
The program and abstracts will be published like last year in Seoul as a supplement to Acta DV.
The deadline for abstract submission is May 30, 2022. The program and abstracts will be published as a supplement to Acta DV.

I also remind you that you can yourself submit or encourage your younger colleagues who have already a career track oriented around AD to apply to the 2022 Rajka’s Medal, kindly donated by Mrs Susanne RAJKA, PhD (Oslo). The deadline is the same as for the abstracts Monday, May 30.
A new tool: we need your help!
AD Leaflet

To finish I return to language and AD, and I want to congratulate our colleagues from the European (EADV) task Force on Atopic Dermatitis who have worked hard with the ISAD/OPENED task force on education to propose a leaflet for patients and primary care workers.
The original version has been published in English by on the website of the EADV, but now available languages include Arabic, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Tamil and Turkish. Still some gaps… we need our African and Asian colleagues to help, and indigenous languages would be indeed welcome.

Best wishes,
President ISAD