Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
On June 6th members of the ISAD executive committee will meet in Antananarivo (Madagascar) WHO-AFRO and WHO-INT representatives respectively from Brazzaville (RDC) and Geneva (Switzerland) to discuss AD in the context of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affecting the skin which are the key priority of WHO.
As shown at our last meeting with Sub-Saharan Africa colleagues in 2019 (position paper JEADV), AD is probably the most frequent skin non-communicable disease in this region, with low visibility for local health authorities, no specific training at the primary care level, and no funding for basic care and drugs including moisturizers, TCS, and MTX. Our goal is to strengthen the fight against diseases that are not integrated within the NTDs by WHO like AD (with a possible link to asthma) and promote e-health including IA algorithms to provide on-the-job training in primary care, access to (1) specialists who are mostly located in capital cities, and (2) basic care but also to (3) systemic drugs including biologics when needed. E-health devices including smartphone apps are currently tested to help health officers to make differentials between skin NTD and other skin conditions including AD.

This ISAD-WHO workshop is linked to a local dermatology meeting organized by prof Rabenja RAPELANORO on skin NTDs and AD, and highlights of the AD session will be available on the ISAD website after the meeting.

ISAD 2022, 12th Rajka symposium, Montréal
The registration and abstract submission to the 12th Rajka symposium organized by Danielle Marcoux and Michèle Ramien at the Centre Sheraton Montreal is open online until May 30.
I also remind you that you can yourself submit or encourage your younger colleagues who have already a career track oriented around AD to apply to the 2022 Rajka’s Medal kindly donated by Mrs Susanne Rajka, PhD (Oslo). The deadline is also May 30 .
2022 ISAD Research Fellowships call
For the 2022 ISAD Research Fellowships call, please submit your project online before June 15 . The fellowships are funded by a generous grant of Pfizer with the aim of supporting research training of junior Dermatologists‐Venereologists or residents in Dermatology‐Venereology in a high standing academic center. Previous awardees reports and publications are available on our website.

Best wishes,
President ISAD