Two statements from the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD) on Corona virus (Covid-19) and Atopic Dermatitis
Risk of severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines among patients with allergic skin diseases – practical recommendations. A position statement of ETFAD with external experts
➜ J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 2021 Mar 22. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17237. Online ahead of print.
J Ring, M Worm, A Wollenberg, J P Thyssen, T Jakob, L Klimek, C Bangert, S Barbarot, T Bieber, M S de Bruin-Weller, P V Chernyshov, S Christen-Zaech, M Cork, U Darsow, C Flohr, R Fölster-Holst, C Gelmetti, U Gieler, J Gutermuth, A Heratizadeh, D J Hijnen, L B von Kobyletzki 20 , B Kunz, C Paul, De Raeve, Julien Seneschal, D Simon, P I Spuls, J F Stalder, A Svensson, Z Szalai, A Taieb, A Torrelo, M Trzeciak, Vestergaard, T Werfel, S Weidinger, M Deleuran
Since the introduction of active vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection, there has been a debate about the risk of developing severe allergic or anaphylactic reactions among individuals with a history of allergy. Indeed, rare cases of severe allergic reactions have been reported in the United Kingdom and North America. By february 2021 a rate of 4,5 severe allergic reactions occurred among 1 million patients vaccinated with the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, which is higher than the generally expected rate of severe allergic reactions to vaccinations of around 1 in 1 million.
Keywords: Covid-19 vaccine; allergy; anaphylaxis; atopic dermatitis; practical management.
European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis: position on vaccination of adult patients with atopic dermatitis against COVID‐19 (SARS‐CoV‐2) being treated with systemic medication and biologics
➜ J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, First published: 15 February 2021
J P Thyssen, C Vestergaard, S Barbarot, M S de Bruin‐Weller, T Bieber, A Taieb, J Seneschal, M J Cork, C Paul, C Flohr, S Weidinger, M Trzeciak, T Werfel, A Heratizadeh, U Darsow, D Simon, A Torrelo, P V Chernyshov, J‐F Stalder, C Gelmetti, Z Szalai, Å Svensson, L B von Kobyletzki, L De Raeve, R Fölster‐Holst, S Christen‐Zaech, D J Hijnen, U Gieler, J Gutermuth, C Bangert, P I Spuls, B Kunz, J Ring, A Wollenberg, M Deleuran