OCAD 2023: recording + presentations available

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08:00 am Introduction

Therapeutic Patient Education in Poland

Moderator: Magdalena TRZECIAK
08:10 am Patient Perspective
08:25 am HCP Perspective
Magdalena TRZECIAK (Poland)
08:40 am Roundtable and Q&A

AD in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Challenge of a Common Skin Disease

Moderator: Ncoza DLOVA (South Africa)
08:50 am Clinical Specificities of AD in Africa
Ousmane FAYE (Mali)
09:05 am Organization of Care of AD in Madagascar
Fahafahantsoa RABENJA RAPELANORO (Madagascar)
09:20 am Therapeutic Constraints for Patients
Rachel OGOLA (Eczema Society of Kenya)
09:35 am Round table and Q&A
09:50 am Coffee break

Addressing Therapeutic Failure?

Moderator: Roberto TAKAOKA (Brazil)
10:15 am Therapeutic Failure: Patient versus HCP Perspectives
Fanny SENTENAC & Jean-Francois STALDER (France)
10:30 am The Case of the Recalcitrant Teenager
Leonardo FARIA (Brazil)
10:45 am Round table and Q&A

Improving Patient/Doctor Communication

Moderator: Peter SCHMID-GRENDELMEIER (Switzerland)
11:00 am What are the Expectations of Patients?
Henrique ISHII (Brazil)
11:15 am Digital Tools in Personalized Eczema Management
Jean-François STALDER (France)
11:30 am ChatGPT in Atopic Dermatitis (Virtual)
Peter LIO (USA)
11:45 am Round table and Q&A
12:00 am Conclusions
12:10 am Lunch

This (pre-)meeting is supported by Pierre Fabre Eczema Foundation