The SSAI grants are funded with the aim of supporting research on AD in SSA according to the roadmap defined at the Geneva workshop in 2019, and published in the JEADV as a position paper the same year. The total amount devoted by ISAD to this competitive call in 2021 will be 50.000 €.
The philosophy of the SSAI grants correspond to starting grants for exploratory research related to AD in SSA and is not aimed to be a budget complement to large scale projects. The maximal funding per project will be 12.000 €. Smaller projects can be considered, the budget just needs to be proportionate to the expected goals.
The target applicants are residents or junior specialist physicians based in SSA. Collaboration with countries outside SSA is encouraged, but funds should go to SSA applicants for developing the planned research. If travel is needed, the grant shall cover travel and living expenses and insurance during the research period. Projects are expected to be conducted in a maximum duration of 6 months to one year, with a published paper in a peer review journal acknowledging the help of our Society. All grant applications should be submitted in English on the ISAD website platform.
Eligibility criteria for applicants:
- The applicant is a specialist or specialist in training in Dermatology or allied specialties managing AD patients, and under the age of 40 on the day of application (CV to join)
- An established agreement between the applicant and a host Institution that can supervise or collaborate to the research project. (letter of support of the head of Department/Lab to the project applicant requested, with a precise definition of the support given to the project)
- A detailed project submitted by the candidate.
A concise description of the research project (2-3 pages, Arial 12) that will be conducted by the applicant shall be submitted electronically on the ISAD website platform and will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee of the ISAD board. Please justify the request for funding
Time plan
The deadline for submission was June 15, 2021.
Application process
Electronic submission to the secretary general of ISAD, Prof. Andreas WOLLENBERG.
It consists of three parts:
- Applicant’s profile including a CV in English with a list of original publications with position in authorship and a personal statement.
- Project description (to be filled in by the applicant)
- Statement from host institution (to be filled in and signed by the head of host Department/Lab)
➜ JEADV publication as a position paper
➜ Teledermatology and AD in Sub-Saharan Africa
➜ Atopic dermatitis in Antananarivo, Madagascar
➜ ISAD Global 2019, Geneva (Switzerland)