Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
Excellent news!
More than 160 abstracts were received on May 30th covering the entire field of AD, with a focus on paediatric AD as highlighted by the motto of the Montreal meeting “back to our future… AD in childhood”.
I remind you that there is a late-breaking abstracts session (link) concerning information that was not yet known or fully available by the abstract submission deadline. The data in the abstract must not be published prior to the meeting (no encore abstract permitted). Please consider that the late-breaking abstracts deadline is not an extension of the normal abstract submission deadline, and this condition will be strictly adhered to for the evaluation of all submitted work.
The deadline for late-breaking abstract submission is July 31st, 2022, to allow publication in the Journal Acta DV with the program and the other abstracts ➜ SUBMIT HERE
A few travel grants will be allocated for the late-breaking accepted abstracts.
Note in addition that we extended the Rajka Medal application and the 2022 ISAD research fellowship call both to June 30.
Please stimulate your younger students and colleagues to participate in ➜ APPLY HERE
Madagascar ISAD-WHO meeting
of June 6th 2022
There is a new ISAD post Controlling AD as an approach to better skin health which covers Madagascar ISAD-WHO meeting of June 6th 2022, paving the way towards a better accessibility to drugs and capacity building in low resources countries.
The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Public Health of Madagascar and attended in person by the minister Prof Arivalo Zely Randriamanantany, who has a background in allergy and paediatics.
Interestingly, the meeting was held just before the launch by WHO of the strategic framework for the integrated control and management of skin NTDs. The framework emphasizes a people-centered integrated approach to enable countries to tackle the morbidity, disability, and psychosocial impact of skin NTDs but very importantly other skin conditions, especially AD — because of its high prevalence and comorbidities in low resources countries —, by identifying areas, key partners and resources.
Please CLICK HERE to watch the launch of the skin NTDs Framework of last week:
“Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a strategic framework for integrated control and management of skin-related neglected tropical diseases (WHO.Int).”
Best regards,
President ISAD