Live on Friday, November 6, 2020From 4 to 6 pm (CET Paris time) Dear Colleagues, The patient journey is a sequence of care events which a patient follows from the point of access into the health system, continuing towards diagnosis, care, education and prevention. The journey is cyclical in nature with never-ending interactions between patient […]
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I am currently working on a project and collating written action plans (WAPs) for eczema patients, prior to officially starting my academic dermatology (St3) post later this year. I was wondering whether any of you had come across any other than the following e-WAP. This is a project from University of Bristol Academics, […]
Read MoreLennart RÖSNER is actively involved in atopic dermatitis research for nearly 10 years. Starting as a PostDoc in the lab of Thomas Werfel in Hannover, Germany, he is now also a junior research group leader. His research projects target deep characterization and enumeration of allergen-specific T cells and regulatory T cells in order to understand […]
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, We are now less than 10 days from our live digital AD meeting. If you have not yet registered, please do it to receive the link to the live meeting, but also to the access to recorded talks available before the meeting. Following coverage of the impact of COVID 19 on […]
Read MoreDO YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS TO THE ISAD 2020 PRESENTERS? First presentation has been posted to our website by Dr Garba MAHAMADOU (Lomé, Togo): Teledermatology and AD in Subsaharan Africa. Find the form below his article to ask questions, they will be answered live on Sept. 3rd!
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, We are now less than 3 weeks from our live digital AD meeting. After this long period where international interactions have been suddenly severed, we resume during this short event the experience of live global meetings with novel digital instruments, which a priority given to scientific discussion. If you have not […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 registry for atopic dermatitis patients (SECURE-AD) Have any of your patients with atopic dermatitis developed COVID-19? Please report your cases to SECURE-AD via a simple anonymised case report form. SECURE-AD is a global registry for healthcare professionals to report outcomes of COVID-19 in individuals with atopic dermatitis. Entering your cases is quick and can […]
Read MoreStatement from the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD) on Corona virus (Covid-19) and Atopic Dermatitis On March 11th the Director-General of the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 to be a pandemic with wide implications for the population around the world. The total number of cases around the world is increasing exponentially and […]
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for international travel, the ISAD executive committee and ISAD 2020 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) have jointly decided to postpone the ISAD meeting to April 19-21 2021 at the same venue in Seoul. Information on the pre-meetings will follow in due course. Because of […]
Read MoreThe following three candidates received the first ISAD research awards: Catherine DROITCOURT Rosie VINCENT Linde de WIJS
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