We are inviting abstract submissions for the 12th International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis.
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, On June 6th members of the ISAD executive committee will meet in Antananarivo (Madagascar) WHO-AFRO and WHO-INT representatives respectively from Brazzaville (RDC) and Geneva (Switzerland) to discuss AD in the context of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affecting the skin which are the key priority of WHO. As shown at our last […]
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, We enter slowly the post COVID era and travel is now easier, even if the Ukraine war has made some long-haul flights more tiring. We hope to receive many applications to the 2022 ISAD Research Fellowships call which is now open within this new travel context. Please submit your project online […]
Read MoreWe are inviting abstract submissions for the 12th International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis.
Read MoreThe ISAD Research Fellowships are funded by a generous grant of Pfizer with the aim of supporting research training of junior Dermatologists‐Venereologists, or residents in Dermatology‐Venereology in a high standard academic center. There are two fellowships lasting 3 months and one fellowship lasting 6 months.
Read MoreWe are a team of UK doctors working in paediatrics and dermatology, and are researching skincare practices in newborn babies in different countries. We know that there are huge differences between the proportion of children with eczema internationally, yet we do not know why. We are inviting you to take part in this study by […]
Read MoreDear colleagues, I remind you that you can yourself submit or encourage your younger colleagues who have already a career track oriented around AD to apply to the 2022 Rajka’s Medal kindly donated by Mrs Susanne Rajka, PhD (Oslo). The deadline is May 30, 2022. Prof. Alain TAIEB
Read MoreOur Society has some contacts inside Ukraine with Pavel CHERNYSHOV at Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv, a long-term representative of his country at the European Task Force on AD (he translated the AD leaflet in Ukrainian and Russian), who at the time of this writing was still teaching his students with the background of […]
Read MoreWe are inviting abstract submissions for the 12th International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis.
Read MoreDear Colleagues, Dear Friends, Our Society recently received a letter from Dr Shakirat GOLD-OLUFADI, Consultant Physician and Dermatologist at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, one of our laureates of the 2021 Sub Saharan Africa Grants, who had difficulties recruiting for her project titled “The impact of education in indigenous languages on atopic dermatitis and factors determining severity of […]
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