July 2023 digest

News from the 25th WCD Singapore

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Thanks to the contribution of our Board Members and of distinguished guests – Carsten FLOHR (ILDS AD Global Atlas), Yik Wen YU (Singapore NSC), Fahafahantsoa RABENJA RAPELANORO (Madagascar) -, the Global Aspects of AD pre-meeting was a real success for a premiere on this topic.

Even if we could not explore all regions of the world, the data presented were very interesting in a Global Health perspective, underlining gaps in epidemiology, needs of better capacity building programs for primary care, of better access to telemedicine in rich and poor countries, highlighting clinical and biomarkers differences as well as disparities in access to care/medications across different nations even in the same range of resources.


The integration of AD into the new WHO framework with an OpenWHO course on AD in its final stages of preparation, as highlighted by Jose Ruiz POSTIGO (WHO), is another landmark of this meeting and a follow-up of our JEADV paper of this year (DOI: 10.1111/jdv.19096). The patients’ voice was represented by Jennifer AUSTIN (Global Skin) and Rachel OGOLA (Eczema Society of Kenya).

After discussion with several participants and members of the audience (80-100 with a very large diversity of nationalities), we consider drafting a meeting report for publication.

Best regards,

President ISAD